Thursday, February 19, 2009

Missing you so deeply

It is almost your angel day and everyday I spend I realize how short of a time we had with you. I miss you even more. Next week will be the anniversary of your first smile. We were just about to leave for Gabby's birthday party and you looked at me and smiled. No one else saw it but me. It was so sweet! I spent the next few days trying to make you smile again. Most of the time you just starred into my face studying it. I loved looking into those big brown eyes. Sometimes I feel bad because you often cried nightly. I know you were loved but you spent most of your short time here unhappy. They say we only have a mcuh time here on earth and every life is predetermined. They also say that every life has a purpose. What was your purpose? Why did you only get so little time? I know these are questions I will never get answered till I meet you in heaven. 10 months since I last felt you in my arms and yet we are all still so very much broken hearted. I miss you sweet girl!

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